Join and support us in one of our upcoming events.

Holiday Toy Drive
December 2021
Join AHEPA Lakeshore Chapter 205 and Daughters of Penelope Thalia Chapter 441 this holiday season in a toy drive benefiting Comer Children’s Hospital. To limit contact during the pandemic, we are now accepting monetary donations.

Hellenic History Tournament
Late Spring 2022
The Hellenic History Tournament is an educational competition for high school aged students who want to learn about 3,500 years of Greek History. The tournament is open to students in grade 8-12 at the time of the competition. There are no additional requirements to compete. The winning team is awarded a $6,000 scholarship prize ($2,000/student) and the second place team is awarded a $3,000 scholarship prize ($1,000/student).

Chicago White Sox Heritage Night AHEPA Outing
Summer 2022
The Chicago White Sox are one of the few professional sports teams in the Midwest that offer and celebrate Greek Heritage night. Please join AHEPA Chapter #205 at the ballpark for a night of fun and fellowship.